Why CA with MBA?
The ability of the highly qualified professional to become certified for an additional degree like MBA is widely accepted. The situation where you find a CA or doctor with a MBA specialization is highly likely as this degree along with the specialization offers confidence and expertise to handle difficult to error free submissions. The CA or finance specialist is not a technician nor is he a player of sorts therefore he does not rely on instrumentation or game roles to highlight experience. The CA or qualified finance professional is likely to endure greater accounting myths and problems to resolve disputes and issues as they happen rather than only correct file errors. This way the finance specialist is a qualified practitioner of enabling data, procedures and analysis of financial department to succeed where it would have failed. Enabling CA degree to become better with MBA as well is likely to mature the preferred skills, personality, vision and performance of the individual. He or she is likely to sustain through the growing onslaught of power organizational dynamics, supporting the firm from trends, applying financial acumen to withstand tax cuts etc.
CA degree holders have this ability to withstand high pressure jobs and maintain perfect management decisions. By including additional MBA degree, the individual would only boost up their finance role and highlight the trending nature of business. The end to end solutions for their functional abilities would not need any new degree like MBA though they can get these. A faint new hope for the CA holder is that he or she is inevitably becoming the cause of bringing dynamic office relations in work, systems, community and business. Absenteeism is expected to be low, morale would be high and productivity is enhanced as a result. The CA individual does MBA to support his cause in the organization while not forsaking his or her position. Thus the CA with MBA degree is even better for the person as a whole. In the most situations, when the CA with MBA individual has an unmatched position the MBA can overshadow doubts over expertise and help him recover the organization from blues. This is only one perspective though many other ways in which the extra qualification can be sometimes apprehensive to match a consultant position. Therefore the individual can also compete solely as a single professional than otherwise.
Changing gears for already employed CA professional is not easy, both within the organization as well as in his career. The finance MBA degree confers better prospects of individualism, competency as well as perfectionist tag. So it would be worthwhile for you if you would check the latest news from the organization events, hold your expertise and ponder whether to do a part time MBA program alongside a CA degree. Also MBA degree for individual can sustain through rough patches, career mistakes and avoid committing to errors of judgement etc. Performance wise it is most trusted to have extra MBA though in long term basis one might encounter many instances to prove credible accountancy right.