Traditional reading vs Digital reading In Today’s World

What Is Traditional Reading?
The process of getting information or text from a print format is called traditional reading. Reading books, magazines, newspapers, dictionaries, etc. is all considered to be traditional reading. Traditional readers find it hard to adapt to newer ways of Online Reading. Book collectors and people who regularly visit traditional libraries also stick to their habits of reading printed book:
- Linear Reading
- Does Not Need Power
- Satisfaction
- Time Consuming
- Less Versatile
- Take Up Space
What is Online Reading?
Online reading is when you take information or text from a digital format. It is also called digital reading. PDF files, EBooks, audiobooks, blogs, etc. are all considered to be online reading, whether it’s through a PC or a phone. There are many advantages of online reading which include:
- It’s Fast Paced
- It is More Versatile
- Easy To Understand
- Attention is Diverted
- Needs Power
- Loss of Details
Research shows that kids prefer reading online as it gives them more privacy. It also allows them to access more material online, reading in the dark and multitask.
But on the other hand, it has also impacted their patience. Children are getting more and more impatient. Online Reading has also decreased their attention span, since there are more distractions online than in reality. Online Reading has increased the number of eyestrains being caused by digital devices. Also, rather than reading from beginning to end, online readers increase their ability to skim through the pages and just search for keywords and phrases.
Traditional reading on the other hand encourages readers to do a more in-depth analysis. Research shows that since reading online makes us want to avoid long material and read just enough to understand.
So here was a list of advantages and disadvantages of both mediums. To be honest, both of them are already established in our daily lives to an extent. Both of them have certain advantages which the other doesn’t so it’s not an either or question, it more about how can we use both of them to the fullest to get the best out of them!